In line with QPC Vision statement we have made the following agreements:
- respect the land and as far as possible do not harm it i.e. clean up litter, recycle, use biodegradable products at camp, try to use public transport, and buy fair trade organic food from sustainable sources where possible, keep a ‘wild’ place on site where no-one camps
- respect the beings and spirits of the land and honour them in our rituals
- respect the mysteries and deities that people may work with
- respect animals and recognise how damaging the meat and dairy industry is to them, so make communal meals vegan and the campsite as a whole meat- and fish-free with an aspiration to be fully vegan in the future
- respect each other with all our various magical paths, talents and abilities
- respect ourselves and take responsibility for asking for help or clarity when needed

- welcome people of all gender identities and sexualities
- work together to create a non-hierarchical Do It Yourself and Do It Together camp where no-one is paid but everyone pays to come including site crew and workshop leaders (unless someone cannot afford the entry fee, or we have an agreed market day with the sale of goods or services)
- get involved in consensual decision making processes, site crew, meal preparation, dressing of communal space, central fire creation, welcoming crew on the gate tent and all other activities that make camp a safe, beautiful place for us all
- welcome pagans and those interested in paganism, from all practices and traditions
- work on removing the barriers to full participation for everyone in camp
- never turn anyone away for lack of funds
- bring what we would like to have included at camp – be that a ritual, a meal, a workshop or a fabulous costume!
- QPC was founded by people who care deeply about environmental destruction, social equality and animal rights
- We create magic for political, social and environmental benefit as well as rituals marking the wheel of the year and the phases of the moon
- we often come together at public protests, for example anti-war marches, against fracking, the badger cull or bloodsports, and perform supportive on-site magic
- recognise that there are many paths to Spirit and welcome all practitioners as well as those with an interest in paganism
- welcome and honour bringers of ritual, of workshops, of trance dances and other forms of magical practice such as spell-craft, healing and shamanic journey, scrying and divining, puja workers etc
- recognise that we can all be our own celebrants (this is why we do not pay workshop leaders)
- recognise that there is no obligation to take part in rituals at all!